NOTICE: ALL of Artist John Mollica’s artwork is copyrighted and is protected by law. DO NOT reproduce, copy, create "derivative works" (artworks based off of the artists' original work), or display his artwork without the artist’s permission. Selling artwork derived from John Mollica's original artwork for profit without giving him credit and compensation is also prohibited. John Mollica RETAINS ALL COPYRIGHT of his works. This means that even after an artwork is purchased, the buyer DOES NOT OWN THE COPYRIGHT nor does the buyer have the right to reproduce the artwork or sell for profit without John Mollica’s permission. This means John’s original artwork should NOT show up on t-shirts, art prints, coasters, bottle openers, hoodies, coffee mugs, cell phone covers, stickers, etc. without the written explicit permission from the artist, John Mollica. Even if the artist and the purchaser of the artwork are family, friends, acquaintances, long-lost lovers, worked together in the past, or have known each other for years, JOHN”S ARTWORK SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY WITHOUT HIS PERMISSION! If any of John’s artwork is reproduced in any way without his permission, this is Copyright Infringement and legal action may be taken. Even artists have to eat.
Use of Images of John Mollica's Artwork on Social Media
The artist allows you to share images of his artwork and merchandise on social media outlets only if you give him credit for his work! Please include the artists' name (John Mollica) and a link to his art website,, within the post.
Please CONTACT John for any other permissions1
How to Contact the Artist
If you have any questions or concerns regarding or related to the Artists' website,, please CONTACT John Mollica.
More information about Copyright Law of the United States.